San Ignacio Belize

Dogs, Belize, Cayo, San Ignacio

Once we had Arrived in San Ignacio Belize we settled in and unpacked our belongings for the next few days. Putting on our walking shoes we headed out in search of A supermarket and somewhere to get some food. We walked down the street and headed toward Bullet Tree road. On the corner of the street there were 3 Supermarkets in clear view. We decided to walk up the street further to see what else was on this strip of roadway. I think I may have counted 6 Supermarkets in the stretch we walked. Which honestly wasn’t even a 10 minute walk.

What I did notice Gluten Free is not much of a thing there. There were no Gluten free options at 3 of the shops we tried. It was a little disheartening but still did not bother me too much. I would just have to read all ingredients and stick with things I knew. 

On our walk around we noticed some other businesses that peaked our interest. They were already closed for the evening. Which was understandable given we had arrived on a Wednesday and we were still going through a pandemic. One of those businesses was Wine Smith. We needed to find out the hours to this place. 

Deciding on a place called ABC SuperMarket we picked up some supplies then we walked back towards our place in search of some food that we did not have to cook. We found this little Chinese place called Sunlight. It was not Belizean Cuisine; however it was one of the best Chicken fried rice meals I have had in my life. Heavy on the pepper and the chicken was juicy and cooked perfectly.  Raymond had the Chicken chow mein and loved it. 

I swear the portions could have fed a whole family. For $28 Belizean we finished what we could. I took half of mine with me and started the walk back to our airbnb. While walking back we noticed that every person we met no matter the age greeted us with a good night mame or sir. This made us Tourists feel so welcomed.   You quickly start to smile and greet everyone back. It was so refreshing and made us even more comfortable. 

The first day and night in Belize was a success. I already loved it here. We got back and there were 2 dogs in the backyard. We assumed they belonged to someone and did not put too much emphasis on it. They didn’t come close and I don’t recall them barking a lot. I do recall during the daylight there were so many birds chirping all the time. You could hear the bugs chirping in the grass it was beautiful to listen to. It was never silent there. The second night there I slept soundly. I was the most relaxed I have felt in quite some time.

Over the night Raymond woke up and looked out on the deck from our bedroom and there sleeping peacefully on our deck were the two dogs one across our door and the other at the front part of the stairway. I joked saying they were here to protect us. I secretly named them James and Beth. Not sure if they were male or female but it felt like a sign that we were safe here.  After we woke up they left us and moved on.  They made my first night  a little more relaxed. We had our own welcoming committee in  the form of two beautiful dogs. 

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