Welcome to our guide to exploring the diverse world of wine in Belize! In a nation celebrated for its stunning natural landscapes and cultural richness, uncovering the ideal bottle of wine promises an enchanting journey. Whether you’re a seasoned sommelier or simply enjoy savoring a glass of vino with a sunset view, Belize offers a surprising array of options to explore. From charming local wine shops to upscale resorts boasting extensive wine lists, we’ll take you on a journey through the diverse landscape of wine culture in Belize. Join us as we uncork the top destinations and hidden gems where you can indulge in your passion for wine while immersing yourself in the warmth and hospitality of this captivating Central American paradise. Cheers to unforgettable wine experiences in Belize!
San Pedro and The Cayes
- Wine de Vine – San Pedro https://www.winedevine.com/
- Recinos imports LTD – San Pedro
- Cork and Cooperage wine and spirits bar – Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker https://corkandcooperage.com/
- Mahogany Bay Resort & Beach Club, Curio – San Pedro
- Hidden Treasures – Ambergris Caye https://www.hiddentreasurebelize.com/
- Ramons Village Resort – San Pedro https://ramons.com/
- Secret Beach – Ambergris Bay
- Blu Zen- Caye Caulker https://www.bluzenbelize.com/

Placencia Peninsula
- Wine Ova it -Placencia https://woibz.com/
- The little wine bar – Placencia https://www.facebook.com/thelittlewinebarbelize/
- Chillpoint – Placencia
- The fine taste – Placencia
- Simply wine – Placencia
- The wine house – Placencia
- Rum Fish Y Vino – Placencia http://www.rumfishyvino.com/
- Placencia Beach Club https://www.placenciabeachclub.com/
- Turtle Inn -Placencia https://www.turtleinnfl.com/
- Maya Beach Bistro – Maya Beach https://www.mayabeachhotel.com/bistro/

Belize City
- Premium Wines and Spirits https://www.facebook.com/premiumwinesandspirits/
- The Fine Taste https://www.facebook.com/thefinetastebz/
- Cork Street Whiskey Bar https://corkstreet.bz/
- Save-U Supermarket Santiago Castillo
- Vinotopia Wine Boutique
- Black Orchid Resort – Burrell Boom https://www.blackorchidresort.com/
- Belmopan Service Station Ltd
- Westar Truck Stop and Convenience Store – Roaring Creek
- Caves Branch – Hummingbird Highway https://www.cavesbranch.com/
- Corker’s Restaurant and Bar – Belmopan
San Ignacio and the Surrounding Area
- Wine Smith LTD – San Ignacio https://winesmithbelize.com/
- Recino’s Imports – San Ignacio https://recinosimports.com/about-us/the-wine-house/
- Recino’s Wine House – San Ignacio https://recinosimports.com/about-us/the-wine-house/
- Benny’s Kitchen – San Jose Succotz
- Booze & Branches – San Ignacio https://boozeandbranches.com/
- Red Creek Service Station – Red Creek
- Tolacca Smoke House – Santa Elena https://www.facebook.com/tollaca.belize/

Orange Walk
- Chan Chich Lodge
- L&R Liquor Store
- Dinner House
(Note: Wine is readily available at most supermarkets across Belize, although my experiences have been mixed. Some bottles have been affected by the heat, spoiling and turning into vinegar upon opening, while others have remained intact. I’ve found that sourcing wine from dedicated wine shops, bars, or restaurants yields better results, ensuring a more enjoyable drinking experience.)
Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of the wine market, these highlighted destinations only scratch the surface of where you can purchase wine in Belize. While the cost of your preferred bottle may be slightly higher due to Luxury taxes imposed by the Belizean government, rest assured, that the opportunity to indulge in your favorite varietal still awaits. Although Belize sells local wines crafted from indigenous fruits and berries, connoisseurs seeking the allure of a bold Cabernet Sauvignon or a crisp Chardonnay may find themselves paying a premium. As a native of Newfoundland, Canada, I’ve discovered that the pricing difference for wine in Belize isn’t drastically different from what I’m used to back home. Ultimately, it’s the atmosphere of a cozy wine bar and the pleasure of relaxing with a glass of my beloved vino that truly defines the experience for me.