After the Iguana tour we decided to head down the hummingbird highway Belize. First though we stop for breakfast at the San Ignacio Hotels restaurant. We both had the Belizean breakfast option. I went with corn tortillas as I am celiac and cannot have anything with wheat. Raymond had the fry jacks. We both enjoyed our meals and the coffee that came with it. I will also add that the refried beans were amazing. We hadn’t really made plans for that afternoon so during breakfast we discussed what to do.

We dropped back to our airbnb and grabbed some water and a few other items we may need and then headed towards Belmopan to get to the Hummingbird Highway. First thing I noticed driving the Highway was the beautiful trees and mountains and even though there were mountains you could still see more off in the distance. There were twists and turns in the road and large hills. But you could hardly notice because you were in awe of the scenery.

We decided to stop off at Lamani Chocolate Company and pick up some treats to bring back with us. We arrived in this little parking lot where you really could not tell there was a business there except for the signs and there was a lady worker there who directed us into the Jungle. ( not that far in). There was an open air hut where you could go and look at all the items they had for sale and you could order some food and drinks there. I settled on a pineapple Margarita and Raymond had a Mayan chocolate drink. Raymond also ordered a Tamale for us to share as I still was not very hungry after breakfast.

We sat for a while. The owner had 2 dogs with him while Raymond was talking to him. I was having fun petting the dogs. We ended up buying some chocolate bars, a couple of necklaces, some mint tea, chocolate truffles, some coffee encrusted cocoa nibs, and a hot chocolate bar that you break off and boil to make a dark hot chocolate drink. I was happy with the purchases we had made. Just enough to bring back for snacking.
We left Lamani with our bellies full and lots of goodies to bring home. The day is still young so we headed down the highway further. Passing the blue hole park, we should have stopped but we wanted to drive down a bit further before turning around to head back to San Ignacio. We stopped at Angel Falls but the last group had just left to go Zip lining. We decided to turn around and head back. Hoping to make it back to go visit Wine Smith that evening and see what types of wine they offered.

As we were driving back the winding roads and hills started to get to me and I had to take a gravol. Sadly it was too late and I ended up becoming extremely ill on the side of the Hummingbird Highway. Got to love motion sickness. We didn’t let this get us down. Once I was feeling better we headed back to San Ignacio. And after a little lay down I was all good to go to Wine Smith for a nice glass of wine on International Wine day.