Cerros Mayan Ruin – the only photo

Cerros Mayan Ruin, Belize

I have one photo leading to the Cerros Mayan ruin site…

After driving through the wooded areas a bit with very little to no traffic we arrived at this gravel parking area surrounded with trees. I had a little bit of anxiety over how empty the area was. But pushed it past the feeling that it was just me picking everything apart. I checked my cell phone which had limited signal. We were here to see the ruins which made me excited.

We parked the car and grabbed some water to take with us. Once out of the car there was this uneasy feeling that I had that just would not go away. It was as if we were being watched. We headed toward the path to go pay to enter the site.  I could hear a few mosquitoes flying around my head which was not too concerning at first. After all I did grow up in the woods. We walked for a few minutes and the bug sound got louder. I could see the mosquitoes flying around us and not to sound dramatic but they were huge.  I had put on bug spray before leaving but apparently that was not enough. They were getting worse. 

Raymond grabs my arm and tells me “We need to go back”. I look at him for the first time while walking the trail and when he turns the back of his blue shirt is now black with bugs. Raymond’s back is full of bugs and they seem relentless as you see more pitching on him by the second.  It now dawns on me that there is a reason we need to go back. Anxiety now sets in. We are covered in bugs.

We hurry back to the car. Raymond takes off his shirt and shakes it out while I am beating at my arms and back. I have already noticed the hives coming out from the bug bites.  I feel like I am in the beginning of a horror movie. They are everywhere.  We jump in the car and start to drive out of there. As the bumps come out more I feel burning and the itching begins. We pull over and apply hand sanitizer to the bites which takes out some of the itch.

Later that night when we get back to our airbnb I take out my phone and there in amongst the beautiful scenery images I find the “One” picture I took while trying to go to the Cerros Mayan ruin in Belize.

I really had wanted to see these ruins but the bugs kept us away. I hope when we go back this year we will be able to go back and try again. We will remember to bring long sleeve tops and some more bug spray with us.

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