So you are moving to Belize

3 weeks in Belize, So you are moving to Belize, Welcome to Belize, Belize airport

I have been asked many times, so you are moving to Belize? Why? Well, my response never changes much. Why not? It is a beautiful country filled with some of the nicest people you have ever met. Pair that with a plethora of culture and history and you have my dream land. Yes, we know Newfoundland has a lot of culture and history and some of the nicest people you have met. But it’s cold here you get one month of summer if you are lucky and coming from someone who is in pain quite frequently due to our cold damp weather It would be nice to live somewhere warmer. I will always love my home here and our family and friends. Starting a new chapter somewhere else has so many appealing qualities to it.

San Ignacio and the Cayo district brings something out in me that I thought I was missing for years. The drive and energy to go out. Explore the area. Whether it be going for a hike, trying new foods, or generally just letting go a little. Belize was the first place I truly let go of my I need to plan everything attitude. Some may say I like to live a structured in-control lifestyle here and when things don’t go to plan it throws my equilibrium off. If you are thinking that Belize may be a place for you, I recommend going for several visits.

Here are a few things we recommend when trying to figure out where you would like to live:

Break your Trip up into several locations: If you are starting to think Belize is for you I would recommend on your first trip take a couple of places and break your trip up to see what it has to offer. We decided to check out the north and the west. We Ultimately decided on the West which was best for our lifestyle. There Is nothing wrong with the North just the West felt more like home to us but Tropical.

Meet the locals: Sit and talk to the local people. I have had so many wonderful conversations with everyone we have met. Hear their stories some of them will amaze you. Ask questions about living there you will get an honest answer. Reach out to some expats to see how their experience was like when they moved. Keep in mind there is always someone who knows a guy, which brings me to my next point.

Do your research: Whether it be online articles or talking to people in person. Reach out to a realtor and look at some houses that are for sale. Visit land that is for sale. Talk to design companies and contractors. Ask to see some of the contractors work. If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. Ask people if they have heard of the contractors and their work. Get price quotes to compare. Ask about fees and taxes. Look into customs and how much it will cost to bring your comfort items into Belize.

Visit more than once: You should go more than once to see if you still feel the same way as you did the first time. We stayed in Airbnb as we wanted to feel like we were already living there. Tried to walk to most places as much as possible. We bought food at the market and some grocery stores. There are quite a few in San Ignacio. We cooked some meals and did day-to-day tasks. The second time there I fell in love with Cayo all over again.

Have Patience: Anywhere you go things take time. Have patience while waiting on land documents as they can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to receive. Don’t get frustrated when you are out and things take longer than expected. Trying to get certain things into the country may take longer then you expected.

Ask Questions: If there is anything you have second thoughts about, just ask. Sometimes things that normally are not a concern where you are from may be a concern somewhere else. On our first trip we met with a developer and he brought up Health Care. Considering I am from Canada that was not a thought that came to mind. He opened my eyes on a few things. Bringing up even the simplest question may open your mind on your decision.

I could touch on so many more items about moving to Belize. However we are only beginning the build of our home now. As we learn more ourselves we will share an honest opinion on our thoughts and experiences. The biggest thing I can say when you go for your first visit enjoy it. Make memories because Belize a beautiful and memorable place to go to.

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