San Iggy Hotel Belize

San Iggy Hotel, Belize, Gren Iguanas

If you have ever been to San Ignacio Belize you will know what the San Iggy Hotel is. Never heard of it? Then you need to look up the Iguana Conservation project in the San Ignacio Hotel. Yes, we were there last year. However, I took my Dad and Amelia there while Raymond was working this time.

If you love Iguanas and you have time to spare I would seriously recommend going and supporting this project. I was happy to see that Lexi the Iguana was still alive and doing well. As they were saying last year that she was getting old and they did not know if she would make it. Well, she was still there and I got to hold her again. I was so happy to know she was still doing great.

Jorge our guide was very informative with regard to what they were doing here. Green Iguanas are becoming endangered. People are selling them as pets, they sell them for the eggs as it is a known delicacy. The main reason though for them to be slowly fading away is the fact people love to eat them. Known as Bamboo Chicken in Belize. My mind still cannot comprehend why though. Just because something is “tasty” doesn’t mean you have to eat it.

The main reason for the San Iggy Hotel is to help repopulate the Iguanas. They mate the Iguanas and then help with the laying of the eggs. Once they hatch they help the young baby Iguanas grow and then they release them back into the wild. By doing this some of the babies have a real chance of surviving. Then hopefully in the wild, they repopulate as well.

A small team at the project work with the Iguanas to try and make everything run as smoothly as possible. There are several males on site. We were only introduced to one as they separate the males as they are very territorial. So during mating season, the males will have several partners to mate with in hopes of more eggs. Even at the Conservation project though they have to keep an eye out for predators. They still find a way in to eat the eggs. I guess when you are in the jungle area if something wants to get in, it will find a way.

Outside the grounds are beautiful. If you look hard enough you can find even more Iguanas outside up in the trees. Some even with mates of their own. You walk back to the San Ignacio hotel feeling a little overwhelmed with information. But with an understanding that these guys should not be pets.

The information session takes roughly an hour however it doesn’t feel that long. You get to mix in with the reptiles and with the right guide you get so much information. Protect these reptiles don’t harm them and please don’t eat them.

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