Our Journey flying to Toronto

snow, plane, flight, winter, canada, cold

Let me take you on our journey flying to Toronto. We woke to my Alarm going off. Moving slowly we got ready and gathered our bags. We then went in search of some food. Being Celiac I wasn’t the most confident I would find many gluten free options with the complimentary breakfast at The Holiday Inn Express.  However to my surprise I had options and quite a few of them. Being a nervous flier I decided on a Banana, some cereal and a tea. I could have had eggs and toast along with bacon or sausage but chose not to.  Once we finished our food. We approached the front desk and asked when we could book the shuttle to go to the airport. We booked a time and waited. The driver met with us at the front lobby and we boarded. The snow was still coming down at this point but the wind had calmed down. Would we fly out today? 

snow, hotel, stay, Newfoundland

When we arrived  at departures we tried to check in and get our boarding passes however the automatic machines would not work for us and we lined up to see an attendant with WestJet and find out what was happening and to get our boarding passes to be on our way to Halifax.  We figured it had to do with the check in for the other flight that had been canceled. After what seemed like forever (maybe 30 minutes in total ) and several calls to their tech support she finally was able to give us our boarding passes. They had needed to input the address we were staying at in Belize in order for us to get the passes. Along with that we also had to show our negative COVID results. Once all that was done we got the passes and we were another step closer to Belize. 

 Next we headed into security. This is where I started to get a bit stressed. We were traveling with carry on only. We apparently packed too much liquids and I had seconds to decide what I could and could not take. I found it a bit frustrating when the agents there tried to pick for me and not give me a second to breathe. But I understand they were just trying to keep everything moving efficiently.  Once we made it through I finally felt like I could breathe again. Now with fingers and toes crossed we waited to see if the flight would indeed go out as it was still snowing. Raymond and I took turns going for short walks to stretch our legs and calm our nerves. This flight did not get canceled and we would soon board the flight to Halifax. 

We boarded the tiniest airplane I have ever been on. Get in our seats and we take off for Halifax.  I don’t recall if there was much turbulence on the flight. I know a couple of times Raymond chuckled as I tensed up.   I kept focusing on my breathing as the plane was overly hot and I was starting to get a bit of a headache. Flying during the pandemic was very different. I didn’t mind wearing a mask, however being a little claustrophobic I kept thinking  “Just breath Cassie it’s not that small of a plane”. Several Hours and a couple glasses of wine later we landed in Halifax. I was so happy to be on the ground again. Now for a seven hour stopover before we head off to Toronto. 

The Airport in Halifax was nice. We did a search and found some coffee and sat back to relax. We had seven hours to get through before we got onto another flight to Toronto. We did some walking around and exploring a bit. Raymond found an area where we could charge our devices. With the Pandemic happening the airport seemed almost empty. Businesses were closed up all over the airport. It was disheartening to see. I hope as things open up that these businesses again will open and prosper.

I checked work emails and I chatted with my dad to let him know we had made it to Halifax. We went to the firkin and flyer to get something to eat. I had a delicious gluten free club sandwich and a seltzer. We sat around talking about how we would be in Belize the next day and how we couldn’t wait to start exploring the country. We went over some of the things we wanted to do and how we were happy we made it this far. 

It honestly did not feel like seven hours waiting. Before we knew we were boarding the second tiny plane of the day. And we were off to Toronto. The flight went rather smoothly. Raymond and I listened to some music together and had a couple of drinks.  When we landed in Toronto it was pretty late and all we wanted to do was get to the Hotel. 

We had booked a room in the Sheraton Hotel attached to the airport. One thing I can say about the Toronto airport was  it’s very confusing. After walking for what seemed like forever. I stopped a security guard and asked how to get to the hotel.  We were on the wrong floor and had to go back and find the right one.  

Once we arrived at the hotel I had to print some paperwork which they had a computer in the lobby where you could do that.  Then we got our room cards and headed off to find where we could get some rest. We made it to our room which was comfortable and inviting.  We crawled into bed and tried to get some well needed sleep. At first it didn’t come easy. But eventually we drifted off only to be woken by the alarm to get us back up for the final leg of our journey.  

Today we will arrive in Belize…

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