Lot 33 One World Village

Lot 33 One world village,Belize, San Ignacio, Santa Elena

Welcome to Lot 33 One World Village. We spent most of our days going over the lots of land we had been thinking about. Trying to make up our minds on where we would like to build our retirement home. I would love to say we never got frustrated over trying to decide because we did. But that never stopped us from continuing on trying to make our decision. Narrowing it down to lot 28 and 33 at some point was a huge relief. Now to get it down to one.

One night over a glass of wine we started sending out random chats with some of our family and group chats on social media simply asking 28 our 33 as we still had not told very many of our friends what we were up to. As I got some of the results back I started to laugh. Our decision was coming down to a numbers game. Also note that 28 was winning the numbers game.

Every day we would discuss whatever was on our minds regarding the purchase. Why was it so hard to make a decision? It was getting somewhat frustrating. I debated even putting the 2 numbers in a bag and just pulling one out. We would laugh at the idea but we were struggling to make that final decision. We would start to like one lot more than the other only to wake up the next day leaning to the other one.

One evening I asked Raymond if he was second guessing the decision of the purchase. He looked at me and I knew from that look he was 100% committed to this purchase and the new adventure we would be eventually setting out on. I now knew whole heartedly I was in this as well at 100%. He and I have been through so much and I wanted to do this move but most importantly I wanted to do this with him. We needed an adventure to a place we both fell in love with. To finally start living a simpler life and enjoy it to the fullest.

That night after watching the videos again and talking about both lots we both agreed to just say the number that we were thinking. Both of us called out 33. At that Moment we knew. We were going to purchase lot 33 in One World Village. More importantly we would be moving to Belize. But not for a few years yet. Take our time building our dream property and take more trips to Santa Elena and San Ignacio for research.

The next day Raymond reached out to Bart and started the process of purchasing the land.

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