Homesick for Belize

Lamani Chocolate, Belize, Cayo, Humming bird highway

We have been back home in Newfoundland now for almost 6 months and we are homesick for Belize. I miss San Ignacio. We are missing the people, the culture, the food oh god how I miss the food. I feel like I no longer belong here. We go to bed every night listening to Rainforest sounds on Alexa. I feel like it’s all I talk about. I want to head back.

We are patiently waiting to get the Deed to the land in our hands so we can start moving forward. I am a little stressed over this process as it can take from 6 months to a year to get back. We have planned another trip back to Belize In January next year and I am secretly counting down the days til we get back on a plane and head back.

I am super excited to say My Dad and his Partner Amelia will be joining us on this trip to see where we will be moving to. I am excited for this and a little nervous. What if they don’t love it like we do? Well we are the ones moving there but it would still be nice if they loved it as much as we do. We have a bunch of things already planned out to do while we are there. From Ziplining in the jungle to Visiting a Butterfly ranch. We have some of the trip already mapped out.

We will be meeting with contractors, architects and builders while we are there. I am excited to do our own walk through of the land we purchased to see it in person. We know what the area is like as we had been in One World Village the last trip there but we cannot wait to walk around our land. I want to film and document everything from our trip back.

We have spreadsheets started of things we need to look into and research while we are there. This trip is a little business mixed in with some of the fun stuff. I will go into more details of the plans in another blog later as our plans become more concrete. There are places I seriously cannot wait to go back to and enjoy.

It’s getting colder here now and I anticipate winter is only around the corner. As I write this it is actually now snowing out. I don’t want to see the snow and Ice. I am not a winter activity enthusiast. We will continue to plan and dream of beautiful Belize. I will continue to dream about the sun on my face and all the local fresh fruits and Veggies.

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