While doing some research I knew we had to try Crave and Guava Limb. After we had visited the market and stopped into a couple of shops we found Crave and sat down to have a drink and maybe the best Hummus I have eaten in my life. We stopped at Crave. The day we go sadly the water is out as there is construction going on just down the street. We ordered a gin and tonic for me and a belkin beer for Raymond. It is still early we order a hummus board.
Sitting outside in front of a bar on high bar stools and watching the people walk by was nice. We were in slight shade so it was not extremely hot. The drinks were delicious and the food was amazing. The bartender was one of the nicest people. He kept the conversation going and we started to learn a bit more about the twin towns. We talked for quite some time.

We ordered more drinks. This time for me a margarita and Raymond had another beer. The conversations went from our stay, to schools in Belize, to Cell Phones and how one would get support here for a broken phone. I learned that we take so much for granted and never realize how much we waste when someone else might be trying to save that money for something they desperately need. We discussed medical care and how the local people handled the COVID lockdown In Belize vs Canada. I was surprised to hear how people started making their own small business in order to bring money home to their families. It was one of the most interesting conversations I have been a part of in a while.

After our drinks we said our goodbyes and moved on to walk around a little bit more. All shopped out for a few things to bring back to our family. We decided to head to Guava Limb as I was told by a good source (Ginny) that they had flourless chocolate cake. This place also did not disappoint
It is here that I fell in love with hot sauce. I have never liked hot sauce. I always found it lacked flavor and was extremely salty. Raymond on the other hand loves hot sauce and typically puts it on everything. Marie Sharpes on the other hand I don’t know how I will live without the stuff. It was delicious.
I ordered nachos and Raymond ordered a Margarita pizza. At this point these nachos were the best nachos I have ever eaten. Fresh ingredients make everything so much better. Raymond tries the hot sauce and talks me into trying it… I loved the flavors from it.
I had a couple of mojitos and Raymond had a couple of drinks as well. By far one of the best meals I have had while at a restaurant. I cannot wait to go back. We finished our meals and started to head back to our airbnb.

The walk back was HOT. We had very little shade and the sun was beating down on us. I finished off my water and had to stop to pick up more. Good thing there are so many Supermarkets on our way back because water was needed lol.
Once back we relaxed a little before we were headed out to do a wine tasting at Wine Smith. Details on that excursion to follow.