Corozal Real Estate

corozal real estate, belize, vacation

Well it’s our last full day in Belize and we get to go view some Corozal real Estate. We start our day with getting COVID tests. Now patiently waiting for the results to come back. We are also going to be checking out some Real Estate today. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about the day. We had been given so much information with one of the developers in Consejo Landings. I am on information overload and to be honest I am not sure my heart is in it.  I push all my questions and concerns in the back of my head and decide to just go and enjoy the day. 

While still waiting for the COVID tests to come back our realtor shows up and we decide to not wait and start our day. We get in her truck and start to head off on our day filled with viewings.  We are not in the truck for 10 minutes and get the call. Both Raymond and I are negative and we will be flying back to Toronto the next day. I’m not sure how I feel about this either. I want to go back to Cayo, not back to the cold winter in Canada. .

We only drive for maybe 5 minutes and arrive at the first house. The area is not close to the ocean which if we chose to live in this area I think we would prefer closer to the ocean. The house is a small yellow concrete house. It has a pretty nice size backyard that extends to a wetland area. We go through the house and I honestly feel claustrophobic here. The way it is set up to me would work with someone living on their own. You cannot get into one room without closing the door to the other. There is a kitchen. And 1 bedroom. They have turned a side room into a “living” space. And there is a small pantry area.  It’s too small for me. We talk to the other Realtor a bit but recommend moving on to another house. 

The next house we view is a lot larger. It’s got a second building on the property as well. There are citrus and fruit trees in the backyard as well. This would be a decent investment property. There was some much needed TLC though and for the asking price we just didn’t feel like this was the place for us.  I also noticed there was very little breeze here. 

We  moved onto another property. This one I felt like I was on a compound. It had a cement fence around the property. But the property is large. It has a house, a guest house (that looks like a little castle) , a greenhouse and a shed. There are pineapple plants that are already producing  fruit. You can go up on top of the guest house and you can see the ocean. There is a beautiful breeze when you are up here. However when walking around the property  i found there was very little breeze blowing. 

We left then and headed to Oasis where we looked at 3 houses at once. The first one was a menonite built wooden house and I have to say out of all the houses viewed. This one was my favorite. Only thought was there were very few trees on the land and no fruit plants at all. The second house was a fixer upper and honestly for what we would spend to buy the place and then work on it we would be better off building a full home. The third house was a concrete home and was very nice. They were currently renovating the house. I fell in love with the pool house though. It had a cooking area, a working area, a fully functioning pool, there were lounging chairs, a fireplace and tv out there. I would live out there if we bought this home. 

corozal real estate, belize, vacation

We decided to get some lunch and chat with Dawn so we went to Tortuga for lunch and talked about the day and the homes we saw.  She also was such a nice person talking about her own experiences buying in Belize as well as just general talks about Canada. I had yet another delicious pina colada and ordered wings. Which were delicious. However I ended up with a gluten attack and got pretty sick that afternoon.  We said our goodbyes to Dawn and agreed to keep in touch as I really liked talking to her. Sat back and had 1 more drink. 

Once we were finished Raymond and I walked across the street and sat at a table outside. At this point I had no idea if he was on the same page as I was and honestly that scared me a little as I’m a person who doesn’t like disappointing people.  I mean how do you tell someone you left a little piece of your heart in San Ignacio and Corozal area was not where I could picture myself living.  We didn’t get much time to talk about what we both were thinking when I got up and told him we needed to get back to our airbnb. I was having a gluten attack and my stomach was in agony. 

We both took a quick nap when we got back after my gluten issues. I was extremely tired. Once we were awake and ready to go for a walk on our last evening. We headed out in search of food and came across a place called RD’s Diner. Sat on a picnic table and enjoyed another meal of rice and beans with stew chicken. Before leaving we had a chat with the owner and then went back to our apartment to relax outside for the night.

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