Building in Belize Update

Building in Belize update

Building in Belize update #2 is a more positive update. We hired Concept Design and Development to design our home and get us back on track. Now we are seeing progress. Sharon has been excellent and the communication has been flowing. We have witnessed 3D designs of our home. Had another ground walk-through via video to see where the house would be better placed. We got to look at sun patterns and wind patterns. After seeing everything, we had to make some changes to the layout but still have everything we wanted.

Now we are waiting on the design with electrical and plumbing etc. This one takes time to complete. However, we have all the confidence in the world that this too will be achieved. We look forward to seeing this part as well. Raymond received word today that there is now a physical deed to the land waiting for us when we arrive. Our contact sent him the photo this morning of the deed. To say we are excited is an understatement.

On that note we have our flights booked for this next trip. We are going back at the end of November. We fly out of Newfoundland on November 24th and do not return until January 18th. I am so excited to spend our first Christmas in Belize. We have already started planning things we want to do on this trip. as well we have been busy with getting the house in Newfoundland ready to sell next year. With the trip fast approaching I find myself spending more time making plans for this trip. Also trying to spend more time with family.

During our first week there we will be traveling to Placencia. We have an Airbnb booked and we cannot wait. Reservations at Maya Beach Bistro have been booked for our Anniversary and we are looking forward to it. We are excited to get back but also to spend some time relaxing. I have a list of things I want to write about as well I will be bringing my camera gear with me this year for more photos and I have started to gather content for a YouTube channel so everyone can keep up with what we are up to.

We will be spending Christmas and New Years in San Ignacio. A big change from Christmas in Newfoundland. I am excited to see some of the local traditions. Take part in some of the festivities. Meet new people. I look forward to all the fresh local food. Supporting local people during the Holidays. Most importantly I look forward to enjoying beautiful weather with all of the Christmas cheer. It is hard to contain all the excitement for our return. We love Cayo and cannot wait to get back.

We have a little under 2 months to get everything done that we would like to get done while there. Working hard I am sure we will be able to mark everything off our list and still have a lot of time to do some of the things we love. I am so excited to be heading back. Is it too early to pack yet?

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