Browsing furniture stores Belize. We left the market area and started walking around all the local businesses that were open. Since we were thinking about maybe moving here we decided to check out some furniture and appliance stores.
The first one we went into was a small business that had freezers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Bikes, and some baby items. The refrigerators were small but they all looked to be in good(new) condition. Pricing seemed reasonable on them for a small fridge. The guy working there was eager to help and even though we told him we were just looking for the possible future he continued to give us the prices and the sales prices for that week.

We left then and went into another business. This one was larger. A golf cart was in the main window along with some motorcycles and bikes. They had a computer section where the laptops and tablets seemed pretty decently priced. In the back of the shop they had washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, chest deep freezes and even some small appliances. We were asked on several occasions if we needed any help and we informed them we were looking for possibly the future if we move there. We got a similar response from them as the previous. They told us they were here if we had any questions and when and if we did move there, they would be happy to help us with the purchases we may need.
We moved to the upstairs portion of the shop to see what was there and they had sectional sofas (priced at even better prices than home), bed frames, mattresses, pillows, table and chairs, patio furniture. This really was a one stop shop if you needed everything right away. Maybe we should have asked them if they would deliver. Had we known what we know now I would have asked a few more questions. Hopefully in the next year or so we will be needing to furnish our new home.

After taking in just two furniture shops we had an idea of pricing and what is available to buy there. We would also find out later that there are many talented locals who build furniture as well. Fingers crossed if the time comes we can get some lovely hand made pieces for the house.
We stopped into some clothing shops mainly because I needed to find a shirt for my nephew and one for Raymond’s dad. My neighbour and friend Dianne had asked if I could look for a nice colourful dress for her. I didn’t find anything bright, I did find a dress that was made of cotton that looked extremely comfortable. I wish I had bought myself one now that I think back on it. But honestly I don’t need anymore dresses. I still have to figure out what I am going to do with my clothing collection if we do move.
We left the shops and walked up the street. Found a bar called Crave and sat down for a drink.