About Us

We are a couple from Newfoundland Canada who fell in love with Belize. We both run a small business in Canada and have decided it is time to take on a different adventure.  Our goal for this site is to take you along for the journey of traveling to Belize, falling in love, then deciding to purchase land and eventually building there. We want to help anyone else out there that has been considering buying and moving. Give you the details on the processes we go through to maybe make someone else’s decision easier. 

We will be documenting everything even after we move there. This will be a place to see what it is like to leave everything behind and start a new journey. We want to even promote some of the small businesses there that are amazing yet you never see a lot of information about them. 

Some of the content you will see from us includes…

Packing Lists

Food Lists

Real Estate experiences

Reviews of Businesses

The purchasing Process and much more…